All Porcelain Crowns & Bridges

All Porcelain Crowns
When the original tooth is not strong enough to hold a cosmetic filling, it is necessary to place a crown.  The outer 1-1.5 millimeters of the tooth are removed and a crown is placed.  The newer porcelain crowns have a dazzling depth of color that can mimic the existing natural teeth so that the new crown blends in beautifully.  These are the type of crowns used in instant orthodontics they can change the position of the existing teeth. The newest technology uses a zirconia shell to cover the tooth and then the natural appearing porcelain to provide the aesthetics.  These are called Lava Crowns and are really beautiful and life-like.  We also have E-Max crowns, which are used in areas where extra strength is needed.

An alternative to implants, bridges can replace one or more teeth and often are less expensive.  A crown is prepared on both sides of the gap and tied together by a substructure of metal or zirconia (for those patients with a metal allergy).  Porcelain is cosmetically bonded to the substructure so that the bridge appears to be separate teeth.