
Lasers have revolutionized the way doctors and dental professionals provide care.  Compared to traditional methods and surgical devices such as electrocautery, a laser is a gentler, more predictable and often times will not require local anesthetic.  Dental professionals who use lasers perform more procedures in less time with better results than those using traditional methods.  Their patients also benefit from a higher standard of care, experiencing faster treatment and healing times with less overall discomfort.  Diode lasers cut with a very small zone of necrosis, allowing the professional to perform a wide array of soft-tissue procedures with little to no discomfort, no fear of gingival recession and rapid healing.  Immediate hemostasis is another added benefit.  The laser can be used for tissue retraction for impressions, gingival re-contouring or laser assisted periodontal therapy, and it is the ideal tool for soft-tissue management.